Earnings Disclaimer
No Guarantee Of Results. While every effort has been made to accurately represent this educational training program and its potential, there is obviously no guarantee of earnings or results. Actual results will vary and we cannot and do not guarantee any specific level of success, income, nor are we responsible for any of your actions, online or offline.
Furthermore, we cannot guarantee the performance of any of the methods we teach you. We guarantee NOTHING beyond an awesome learning experience and a ranking system that has worked for many before you. Not to mention the ongoing support and accountability you’ll need to become a successful online entrepreneur. But you could still fail. And make nothing. Or even LOSE money if you don’t actually put in the consistent work necessary to succeed in this or any other business.
Success Stories And Testimonials. The success stories, testimonials, and case studies on our webpages are from our actual students. Certain details may be edited for legal or privacy reasons, but they are true and accurate to the best of our knowledge and were provided willingly and without any monetary compensation offered in return. However, they do not represent typical or average results and in accordance with governing laws, we cannot make unsubstantiated income claims.
Unfortunately, many people do not implement anything we teach them. In fact, for every successful case study, we’ve probably got three or more students with little or nothing to show for their investment in our program. Why? Probably for the same reason the average person who buys any “business building” course (or something similar) rarely becomes super-successful.
Bottom Line:Â THIS STUFF IS ALL HARD. And it takes a ton of PATIENCE, WORK, and RISK.
You Are Responsible For You. You are expected to evaluate your own income, profit, and earnings potential in this program. You should always seek independent financial, business, and legal advice in assessing the suitability of this or any business. Your specific results will depend on the time and effort you devote to this program and the implementation of the skill sets we teach you inside the training.
By opting in to receive our information, or by purchasing our products and programs, you are agreeing to release us from any and all liabilities, claims, and/or damages of any kind. Ultimately, YOU are responsible for achieving your financial goals and success in this or any other business, but we will do our very best to help you get there!